Microplastics Okanagan
A scoping study to determine if microplastics are present in Okanagan Lake.
Plastics have transformed the world for humanity: from food and goods we consume to clothing, transportation, and beyond.
We know that eventually, plastics break down and sometimes make their way into freshwater ecosystems, eventually moving downstream into ocean environments.
The most pervasive plastics do not magically disappear; they break down into smaller and smaller fragments, also known as microplastics.
While there is much research being done on microplastics in the environment, there is still a lot we still don’t know.
Pollution-prevention initiatives are often viewed through a global lens and as such, do not consider specific local issues, plastic contamination levels, and localized solutions. The Microplastics in Okanagan Lake project ─ part research, part communications, and part community-building ─ aims to bridge this gap.

plastic pollution begins on land.

This project is exclusively a baseline assessment and scoping exercise to quantify and possibly qualify the presence (or absence) of microplastics in Okanagan Lake & Kelowna’s municipal wastewater.
The goals for the Microplastics in Okanagan Lake project are to:
1. Determine if microplastics are present in Okanagan Lake
2. Determine if wastewater is a potential source of contamination
3. If microplastics are present, determine localized solutions to mitigating microplastics entering waterways that are achievable and community-oriented.
This project will not attempt to characterize polymer types from any microplastics found. Subsequent projects may undertake further research to characterize specific polymer types and more specific origin sources!
from a tiny atoll springs a big idea
Shared experiences through Midway Atoll – a tiny archipelago of islands located among the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands experiencing a massive plastic pollution problem – and an understanding that the vast majority of plastic pollution begins its life on land, catalyzed a small team to ask the question:
Are there microplastics in our local, Okanagan freshwater ecosystems?
The research into microplastics is exploding and new findings are being unearthed seemingly every minute of every hour…of every day!
The pace of microplastics research is quickening and we are working hard to stay on top of best practice. Click the link below to access our blog for in-the-field updates, discussions on sampling protocols, and news and updates!
join the project
We are seeking collaborations from individuals, businesses, and groups who have a passion for protecting our shared watersheds and amplifying community-driven solutions to the global issue of plastic pollution.
This project would not be possible without the collaborative effort of our team and several partners.

Gregg Howald
CEO, FreshWater Life

Creative Director, Copper Sky Productions

Ryan Elizabeth Cope
Writer, Seven In the Ocean